Friday, March 5, 2010
OK well in class we have been reading Animal Farm. In the story There is an old pig known as Old Major who had a dream. He shares his dream with the other animals on the farm. Old Major gets all the animals hyped up for a rebellion like our team captains do before a game. Well anyways the animals are into the idea of rebellion which may sound crazy but hey it's a book. If I was an animal on the farm I think that I would take the same actions because I like to take things head on and some people say that I don't think things through. I agree with the rebellion because they want their freedom just like all the counties that fought for their rights. As stated in the book the animals are worked their whole life for very little. They don't get to choose what type of job that they want, and they only get enough food to work another day. So in all these animals deserve their freedom and live the way that they want to live.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Many people out there in the world have power, but how they keep it is what I'm interested in. In ancient civilizations, kings would go and attack towns to scare the people into obeying him thus giving him complete control and power. Other methods of getting and staying in power is that they fight wars. Some jealous people might want to kill the king because they want the power and the authority to be in there hands. Although wars were high, the kings would usually win in battle to keep control.
Friday, February 5, 2010
"Oh look their goes Tony Romo, hey isn't he that very well known Dallas Cowboys quarterback." That's what people would say but I bet you didn't know that he is one of the most payed players in the NFL. Today all over the world there are athletes that get payed thousands of dollars a game. Is it fair to the other players you ask probably not, but their are reasons for that matter.
Many players out there in the world have very well known names that causes a multiple amount of teams to chase after him/her. That means that allot of teams come rolling in with big wads of cash trying to sign the designated player of their dreams. One reason for this, is that they have a number of years in the league thus having allot of experience making teams go crazy for his/her services. Every team all want the same thing, which is to win. So they're not going to spend money on players that are not well known or don't have allot of talent. They're going to spend big bucks on talented and experienced players. An example that has recently happened is the movement of Christiano Ronaldo a Portuguese soccer player that moved from Manchester United an England soccer club to Real Madrid a team that plays in Spain. He is only 23 years old and has already been named the best in the world twice. His transfer was $96,000,000 and he gets $143,000 for every game. Now that's a allot of money.
The main reason I think that they get paid so much is because they're beasts out there on the field and because they're talented young players. An example of why I chose that being talented is important is because i saw a bears game once and a rookie named Johnny Knox ran back a touchdown for 105 yards. It was his first game in the NFL and he has been unstoppable ever since. Another reason is that teams want good guys out there beating the living daylights out of their opponent. Which if you ask me is very important. If you are talented and stay on the same team, over a period of time their salery will raise because of there experience.
Many players out there in the world have very well known names that causes a multiple amount of teams to chase after him/her. That means that allot of teams come rolling in with big wads of cash trying to sign the designated player of their dreams. One reason for this, is that they have a number of years in the league thus having allot of experience making teams go crazy for his/her services. Every team all want the same thing, which is to win. So they're not going to spend money on players that are not well known or don't have allot of talent. They're going to spend big bucks on talented and experienced players. An example that has recently happened is the movement of Christiano Ronaldo a Portuguese soccer player that moved from Manchester United an England soccer club to Real Madrid a team that plays in Spain. He is only 23 years old and has already been named the best in the world twice. His transfer was $96,000,000 and he gets $143,000 for every game. Now that's a allot of money.
The main reason I think that they get paid so much is because they're beasts out there on the field and because they're talented young players. An example of why I chose that being talented is important is because i saw a bears game once and a rookie named Johnny Knox ran back a touchdown for 105 yards. It was his first game in the NFL and he has been unstoppable ever since. Another reason is that teams want good guys out there beating the living daylights out of their opponent. Which if you ask me is very important. If you are talented and stay on the same team, over a period of time their salery will raise because of there experience.
Now that we have learned about this topic, we can see how much athletes actually get paid. We will be able to see the future salary of Romo, Farve, and many of the other players out there increase.
Monday, December 7, 2009
What happens to the hybrids after they are discovered.
After these magnificent animals are found they are mostly captured for study. Others are captured as well but they are used to breed again with another similar animal to see what the outcome will be. Many of these animals are sold because of there rareness as pets or as a trophy. Unfortunately for these animals, there exotic and rare coats are wanted by many people witch of course means that they are hunted down for money. One of the events of a hybrid animal getting shot was in 2006 in Alaska. A hunter got a permit for hunting polar bears and by accident he killed a grolar or a pizzly. This animal was a cross between a male grizzly and a female polar bear. As sad as these outcomes are there are also good ones. Some of these rare animals are captured and sent too a zoo where the hybrid species are located so that they may have a comfortable life.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
How do hybrid animals happen?
Hybrids happen when two different species mate and have babies. for example, a liger is a tiger and a lion that mate and have cubs. These creatures arn't mutants just different. There are many ways in which these animals could mate. One way is that they could meet in the wild and mate but it's lesslikely because they usually have different habitats and are in a pack with there same species or loners that usally mate with the animals of there same species in that area. Another way this can occur is when there forced to breed. Some people capture animals and make them breed with different animals for their own pleasure. The last way I can think of is that scientists can put some kind of gene in the mother's egg while pregnant making the solution a wierd type of animal.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The religion of buddhism

Buddhism is one of the many practiced religions around the world known today.
The Founder of buddhism is of course Buddha, or to others
he's known as Siddharta Gautama. To many people's knowledge Buddha is a big guy but in reality he was a super skinny guy who survived just on the necessities of life. Siddharta was an Indian prince who left his home one night and became a hermit. But who knew that he would develop one of the worlds largest religions today.
Adherents and location
This religion is fourth in the world has about 360 million followers mostly located in the southeast area of Asia. Buddhism was founded about 520 BCE in Northeastern India.
Customs and clothing

There are many customs ,in the Buddhism, religion and one of them is that they exchange gifts with one another. Meditation is also a big thing with them. As they meditate they slow down their breathing and they are in a motionless state. Buddhism followers worship, and in this religion there's many gods that people believe in.

Dharma day is a huge holiday for the Buddhist people. They also propose Kathrea, Losar, Wesak, and Parinelvana as other holidays.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Why is the line always blamed when you lose a football game?
I don't think that it's fair when we the linemen get blamed after a lost game because if it wasn't for us, scoring would be practically impossible. Some of the running backs at times run backwards and sometimes are also slow getting through the whole that we the linemen work are butts off to make. I know that we can make mistakes like not blocking correctly or even not blocking at all but when we do block correctly it's very hard to stop us from driving you out of the play. Going back to my topic though, it's not all our fault. A loss is a loss and not just one person is the one to blame because a team was out there and a team loses and wins together. Still i get so frustrated when it is the lines fault and i'll be the first one to admit it if we played a horrible game than i know that some of that was our fault.
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